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The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa • Page 6

The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa • Page 6

Des Moines, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


HELP WANTED MALE. PRIMARY BALLOTS ALL OF SAME SIZE he said he knew the man and could give his name. In ie attack, committed night befoie last. Christian received a ru: ui his head, necessitating six stitches t) bind it. and another on the upper lip.

noocssuatiiig four. The man who attacked him had some sharp weapon, though Christian did not know what it was. He said his as- A Sivcctf yon Can' Beaf Love "snaps" and ginger bread? They're best when made with WANTED Board and room by family of two In modern home. Address P. O.

Box 172, Des Moines 373 GOOD BOARD AND ROOMHaU a week. 623 West 2nd St Mm phone Oil FURNISHED ROOMS. CENTRAL STATE HOTEL. 420 W. Court opp.

P. all cars pass door; hot and cold water, steam heat, free baths for roomers; splendid reading room. Single rooms 20 and 2oo; weekly $1.25 and $1 50. 124-09 I aprrp rooms, first floor, fully fitted lja'F- for light housekeeping: modern conveniences. Close in.

1044 tit nve. Milt, phone 7 F. 0425 MODERN room, second floor, with or without board; walking distance; close to street car line; price reasonable. 1113 High St. 055 LARGE furnished south room, all modern conveniences, on car line, use of telephone.

952 West Slh St. Mut. phono 7784-K. 0410 MODERN lit room. Rood board, home cooking, 1st class.

Mrs. Rose, 1715 Ninth. 61 ROOMS for light housekeeping and separate rooms. 843 W. 41 li.

la. ph. 4428. 3 Fl'RNISHED rooms; also one for light housekeeping. 915 6th ave.

532 GOOD board and rooms; everything mod- er 1021 licu st St. 03j2 PLEASANT front room in modern home. 717 auih St. Mut. 7.1'7-L.

'53 TWO nicely 6th ave. furnished rooms, modern. 472 MUD. housekeeping fur. rooms.

Mut. 1637. ftll MOD. rooms. The Adair, 717 4th St.

65 CORN SYRUP Delightful on bread. Best for everything that's better with a syrup on. In air-tight tins, CORN UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOI 1 corns first floor, modern, $10 727 393 RAN 3SJO NIGH Tsg ROWLAND CLIFFORD Present the Newest Idea in Musical Mystic Melodrama A POSITIVE NOVELTY THE PHANTOM DETECTIVE THE MOST THRILLING, DIFFERENT PRODUCTION OF THE SEASON PRICES, 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c; Box and Stall Seats, 75c. SEATS ON SALE AT OFERA HOUSE PHARMACY BAN K.

CLERK. ciU lumber yard mgr. $lou; three bookkeeper. $75 to $100; grootry salesman. $125; cracker nalesman.

$100; baking powder salesman, $75; salesman. $125; mgr. elec-trio light plant. $125. Write ua full particulars.

Industrial Rnndinir and Brokerage Company. Orleans. La. 0414 WANTED Bright, active young man. good at figures and penmanship, about -1 years old, wholesale establishment; per week to start; give references and experience, if anv.

Address D-ffC, care H'giHer an Lea. r. WANTED At once, a first-class all around country butcher; must be of good hahits. strictly temperate and able to furnish best of 'references. Apply in own handwriting.

G. B. Blades, Irwin. Iowa ,,96 PRINTERS ANTED Two or Three good printers at reasonable wages. Must go to work at once.

Steady Job. No boozers or cigarette smokers. State ability and lowest wages in tirst let lev. The Dalton Press. Mansnn, la 573 WANTED First class night cook; must be quick and steady; no boozer need npplv.

Address giving age and experience, Restaurant, care Registr and WANTED- Experienced barlier. young single man of good appearance preferred. Steady Job, $12 a week. Addrrss B-439, care Register and leader. 053 PRESSMAN WANTED- I rsT class, i a-pable of doing catalogue and color work; state wares.

Apply Joseph Irfdont cress, inoiia, .,92 EXCELLENT opportunity for reliable man to manage branch office, western Iowa. State age and business. Address V6 observatory, 574 WANTED AT ONCE-Registered man not afraid to work; must he strictly sober. Address F-557, care Register and Leader. 591 POSITIONS for either sex: anv state.

A T. Fried Co N. V. Omaha. Neb.

051 WANTED General blacksmith; no l-Pre, Tama, la. 0426 WANTED- Two coat makers. F. I. Cah Son.

Wehster City, la. 7'i7 HELP WANTED FEMALE. FEMALE--Neat appearing lady to advertise and demonstrate; $15 per week and extra commissions; steadv advancement; good referfnees required. Address nt once. Goodrich Drug 1308-10 Harney st Omaha, Neb.

297 WANTED Experienced girl, small family; no washing; good wages. Mrs. H. M. Porter, N.

E. Cor. 41st and Inger-soll. 41)7 COMPETENT girl for general housework. good wages, steady place.

Waveland Park car. Mrs. B. N. Moss, 124S 38th.

U419 WANTED A girl to assist In general office work; must furnish best references. Men's Fnsliton Shop. 591 WANTED-Good girl for housework: good Mrs. Graham Smith. 2146 Park Lane.

593 Cook "Wanted at Once 70! Park. 042(1 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; no washing. Mrs. Hewitt, 908 Eighth St. 054 HOI'SEKEEPER.

by widower. three children, at once. Address O-4T0, care Register and leader. 472 A NTED Office girl who lives at home; walking distance. Room 312 Century Bldg.

591 WANTED Immediately, competent girl; highest wages. Mrs. Ballard, 4211 W. Grand ave. 403 GIRL wanted at once for general housework who can go home nights.

SM 61 avenue. AXON'S- NKW WIKE FRAMES- 1UAOU1M "-NEW FANCY BRAIDS. 531 WANTED Girl to help with housework. 1016 9th. WANTED A second girl; 2 in family.

19th Pt. 740 591 HELP WANTED Male or Femaie. MO'IE'B emuioyment office. 4th DRESSMAKING. MADAME HuLEriAN'S dressmaking scnooi; tailor system taught.

Positions furnished students. Over 507 Walnut St. 62 MADAME STEVENSON leaches dressmaking and gives work to pay tuition. $25.00. 1 0101 MISS CURRIER, Modiste.

24fi9 Cnlversltv Ave. Iowa pnone 0101 MILLINERY. Mof $6 to $8 MERRY WIDOWS now iJtllS Ladies' Emporium, 8-'0VValnut St. 620 SO''X MERRY WIDOWS CHEAP JliVOU. COME ON OVER.

531 SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED Experienced salesman, familiar with the iler room, to sell patented mechanical boiler cleaner; good territory; easy money for hustler; no boozer need apply. Address Box 653, Sioux Falls, S. D. 510 WANTED A first-class clothing salesman at once, one who can speak Swedish preferred; no boozer; steady position right party; good salary.

Address X513. Register and Leader. 573 CIGAR salesman wanted; experience unnecessary; $100 per month and expenses. Peerless Cigar Toledo, O. 576 MR.

TRAVELING MAN We have a peacli of a side line. Address Box 217, Omaha. Do it now. 512 AGENTS WANTED. THE PHOENIX NCRSERIES of Bloom-ington.

one of the largest and oldest nurseries, have an attractive proposition for honest, energetic men to sell their guaranteed nursery stock. They want reliable men to sell" reliable goods In every county in the state. Applicants must furnish rig and the best of refer' ences. Address C. Rude, Iowa Sales-manager, Perry, Iowa.

475 AGENTS wanted everywhere; the famous Zarema Diatnonds: experts nuz. -zled to detect from genuine; Immense pront tor agents either sex young or old. Sample offer (ring or stud) and catalogue free. Zarema Jewelery I'epi. siar Chicago.

591 AGENTS for ea-h county in Iowa to sell a et of kltohi', knives. Good profit and goort sellers. One man sold 22 in fiv hours; another 113 in one week yourself and make money. Surprise ALOXZO LO(J S62 Brandies 526 LOCAL subscription agents of the rilffer- eni counties in inwa ror weekly farm papers can materially add to their income by writing A. R.

Townley, 315 Unity Bldg Indianapolis. Ind. x59 SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED-Permanent position by all- around country printer of good habits. Would consider leasing good country pa.

per. AUdiess ixcK Box 171, Elkader Ja 591 Vv AN I ED- Position as night watchman bv experienced man. References eiven Address iK, care Register and eLader. 472 TWO young men want work 011 a farm Strong and capable. Address J.

H. 12.W pes Moines. BY' an experienced collector, who has just sold out of business. Address P. O.

box 9W. city. 5fl FIRST-CLASS woman cook wants situation, la. Phone 4006-R-2. 393 WOMAN wants work by the dav.

la. phone 406-R-2. Call 393 Lace curtains hand laundered. 7779-L. 1308 14th.

61 ROOMMATE WANTED. WANTED Young gentleman of moderate habits, for roommate; walking distance; address 413, care Register and Leader 373 LOST AND FOUND. LOST On the interurban car from Boone arriving tn Des Moines at 5 Tuesday, an open face gold watch with fob; finder re-turn to 1044 19th St. for liberal reward 492 lvOST- Gold watch; hunting case; Elgin National movement; very libera! reward for return to Register and Leader. oii Readv reference to business firms.

BATH AND MASSAGE. IiADY ATTENDANT Chiropody, baths. massage. Suite 15. over 611 Walnut.

Mut. phones, office. 9S2; 7838-L. 6128 BATHS AND MASSAGE with alcohol rub. W.

9'h St Stanley Suite 1. Iowa phone 2535. Lady attendant. IH HAVE renrened bath and massage parlors at 507 Century Bldi. CARPENTER WORK.

CARPENTER repair work neatly inn promptly done; work a specialty. I. S. Field. 1430 7lli N.

Des Moines. Mut. Phone 7945-F. 85 CEMENT WORK S. i wi.

vt vtiiuk i.r mii kinds: set esti- tlr.f MVI'1'8 I'i03 x41 CHIROPODY. tin vru iai hurt? See Dr. Humphreys. over Beacon Shoe Store. 615 Wal.

Mut. 93K-K 1-Z CH1HOPODY-33M-S Century 517 Walnut. Phono Mutual. 1272 Main. 3.4 CLAIRVOYANTS.

LADY CKLKSTA rnlmlM and flnlrvnvant. can be consulted on ell affairs of life; advice absolutely reliable. Readings and up. Room b. Chamberlain Annex.

011 Grand, between Sixth and Seventh. "1 PRoF. AND MMK. BIAS, business mediums, removed to 1010 W. Walnut St MRS.

BF.MIS, 415 Sth. CLEANING AND PRESSING. DRY AND STEAM cleaning, modern machinery and methods; only rxpeit workmen employed, ladies' garmenls a specialty; ate prepared to do carpet dyeing; delivery wagons to all pans if city. Call us up. The New Wardrobe.

S14 West 1ooiist street: B91 EXPERT cleaning and pressing at Vsn Arnam's Pleating and Button Bazaar. 233-4 Commercial 6th and Mulberry Sts Mutual Phone out of town orders receive prompt attention. EXPERT TRUSS FITTER. Am always prepared for every rase. Filling warranted.

A. MILES. Expert Truss Fitter Sixtli and Locust St 65 HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED- H. Soft and Stiff Cleaned. Remod-alS latest stvles and shapes.

McNall ItHt 606 Grand Ave. 617 HATS cleaned and blocked to all the latest styles. 817 Grand avenue. 629 HOUS CLEANING. GI.oRK Carpet and House Cleaning 1011 Grand Ave.

Phone 7990-L Mutual. 511 LADIES' TAILOR. WOLF. 221 Century Bldg 66 MACHINE SHOP WORK. MM'IIINE Stlop and ob work done promptly.

741 21st Pt. Mut. 7359-B. 177 MEDICAL. Balm of Figs Remedies A perfect home treatment that cures female weakness Free booklet and trlil treatment.

626-27-28 Flynn Blk, Des Moines. 617 NURSERY STOCKS. GRAND VIEW NURSERY ORCHARD CO Offices Capital City Bank packing grounds F. 9th and Hull; princi pal nurfery, Hill and Delaware avenue; growers of fruit and ornamental trees, vines, berry plants and general nursery stock. 531 STRAWBERRY PLANTS.

Mtc per 100; raspberry. $1.00 per 100. Everything at rut rates. W. O.

De Moss. 611 East Grand Ave. 053 PASTE. PA ST Wholesale or Retail. Cani'Mori Wall Paper Pasta 721 Locust St.

la. 41, PERSONAL. PRIVATE HOME during confinement. Babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 710 1st Council Bluffs, la.

053 PHOTOGRAPHY. Stalllngs, 615 Wal. Post cards, cabinets. 0111 PICTURES AND FRAMING Hamilton Art new location, 202 7th PLATING WARKS. I )KS MOINES PLATING WORKS.

Nickel. Copper and Brass Plating. 601 K. Court Avenue. Telephone: Mut.

East 637 Iowa 1J47 .1. 055 PRINTING. ARCADE Printing Co. does the best at right prices. Iowa 313-M.

Mutual 811. Muiberry entrance News Arcado Bldg. 531 ROOF REPAIRS. rTofucaics" Of nil kinds repaired. Nichols Hoofing Gravel Roofers.

403 Court Ave. Both Phones. BIT AT IJNljrqiL ETJlP EC I A LTI S. If uwanta fair satin skin apply Satin skin cream and Satin skin face powder. 25c.

SHOES HALF SOLED. MEN'S half soles sewed on while you wait. 75c. Mod. shoe repairs, 505 Locust.

531 WALL PAPER CLEANED. PAPER CLEANED CHEAP Mut. 7368-B 528 WANTED TO. BUY. A good typewriter and desk for 40 acres in Shannon county good title.

Chas. Harless, K. P. Block, Des Moines, la. 591 WE BUY your old furniture and stoves.

Y'ankee Furniture store, 608 W. Grand. Iowa 1 961 -X. 333-L. 010J WANTED TO BUY Good 2d hand furniture, la.

phene 2S5-J. Favorite Furniture Store. 207 Walnut. 623 AV A NTED An 18 to 22 It. p.

runabout or touring car in good condition. Box Grundy Center, la. 591 HIGHEST PRICE paid for household goods. Hawkeye Store, 411 9th. la.

Ph. 1 65 AVANTED To buy grocery In city, west side; good location. Address 184 care Register and Leader. C419 A COTTAGE for all cash not to exceed $1,000 or AV. AV.

Carpenter. 519 I. L. A T. Bldg.

472 HIGHEST ipRICESfof hofrseliold'gooTisr Red Star Store, 717 Grand, la. 1109-X; Mutual 7213-L. 531 IS your old furniture for sale? Call la. 1747X, Mut. TTiioK.

Empire Store, 716 Grand. 631 FLAT or roll top desk. 820 632 M. 67 WANTED BICYCLES. AVANTED Good second hand bicycles; must he low- frames, 20 and 22 in.

iitrut measure (center of crankshaft box to top of frame). What have you. Bring them in to 814 Grand Ave. Byrd E. Moore.

0425 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Have You Idle Money? if you have any sum of money from $1,000 up which you wish to invest where it will lie safe and bring you good returnsj call, write or 'pbone. Ihellatton-McCutelien Agency 308 5th St. 06J I HAVE 1.0i), $1,500 and $2,000 to loan On real estate. AV.

H. ARNOLD, 201 Y'oungerman Blk. 492 MONEY TO LOAN on farm and city real estate. Papers retained here; favorable terms of payment. IOWA LOAN TRUST CO.

0419 MONEY OLOAN REAL ES'f MONEY TO LOAN on chattels. M. Marcus, 418 E. AVulnut. la.

phone 1201-J. 66 sailant was badly intoxicated, and be- lb ved that he was assaulting i tmstian brot her DISTRICT COURT RECORD. R. Linn vs. Bert Conklln.

Answer of garnishee. Cily of lies Moines vs. Will Scoville. Answer cf garnishee. Rosenbaum Bios.

Co vs W. and Geo. Bedhead. Answer of garnishee. Phil Sheridan vs Philip llarbach et I.

Motion to dismiss. Emma Anderson vs. August Bergman. Reply to answer. J.

H. Noonev vs. Drake Marble and Tile Empire State Surety garnishee. Answer. G.

P. Pcovel vs Mrs. Milo Brown. Answer of Mrs. Milo Brown.

G. Scovel vs. Mrs. Milo Brown. Answer of Edith Pike.

G. P. Scovil vs. Mrs Milo Brown. Answer of Minnie Klepper.

(J. P. Scovil vs. Mrs. Milo Brown.

Answer of Lena Pike, W. S. Miller vs. F. F.

Williams. Motion for default. W. Burnside vs. Jessie Richardson.

tinn. Mary Dalv vs. James Daly. Petition, i W. II Balr vs.

Consolidated Equitable Realty Co. Petition. Lulu C. Stevenson et vs. S.

E. Carter et al. Motion to dismiss. W. F.

Stephenson vs. A. R. Dempster et al. Amendment.

MARRIAGE LICENSE RECORD. Name and Resilience. Age. Waller Hays. Colfax 24 Florence Rolland, Colfax 21 Fred Daniels, city 2" Clara Glazer, city Charles Zunkel.

Woodward Bessie Clark, Woodward 19 33 16 Lorenzo D. Warner, Prairie City 22 Anna E. Porter, Mitcliellville 22 Arle A 7-aaljor, Prairie Citv 24 Frankie Mable Porter, 20 Fred Carlson, city 31 Bertha Peterson, city 24 Oscar K. Lansing. Marquisville 25 Jennie Holiner, Carnevsville 21 I.

Clinton Kellogg, city 20 Gladys Voders, city 18 F. J. Ellwanger, Jamaica 21 Lnln M. Woods, Ankenv 20 OFFICIAL WEATHER STATISTICS. The following table gives the state of the weather at the places mentioned at 7 p.

central time, Wednesday, ty 6, IViS. Minimum temperatures are for "the past twenty-four hours: Station. Wind. Wtlir. Tp.Mx.Mn.Pr.

Abilene, clean 66,44 Amarillo clear) 56 it! 36 Bismarck clean 64 66 32 Charles City (n pt. 56 4o Cheyenne cIomiI 54 24 Chicago cloudy) 44 44 41 .56 Concordia clean 52 54 40 .04 Davenport pt. cldyi 50 52 42 Denver clean 58 60 Des Moines (ne. cloudy) .54 56 40 .01 Detroit rain) 48 50 42 .04 Devils Lake clear) 66 68 32 Dodge City clean 48 48 36 26 Dubuque pt. rldyi 54 54 42 Durango (sw, pt.

cldyi 66 66 32 El Paso clear) 72 76 50 Galveston clein 72 72 64 Grand Junction (w, clear). ...72 74 3s. Havre clear) 78 SO 44 Helena clear) 76 78 42 Huron clear) 58 62 30 Kansas City cloudy). .50 50 44 .28 Lander clear) 68 36 Moriena clean 70 70 36 North Platte clear) 56 58 32 Oklahoma cloudy) 46 44 "1 Omaha clear) 52 56 40 .01 Peotia cloudy) 48 50 42 Pueblo clean 62 64 30 Rapid City clear) 60 62 36 Roswell (ne. clean 7o 70 36 Salt Iake clear) 74 76 50 Santa Fe clear) 60 64 30 Sheridan clean 68 70 34 Valentine clear) 58 60 28 Williston clear) 68 70 32 Yellowstone clear) 66 68 31 Deficiency or precipitation at Des Moines for IPOS.

.58 of an inch. The temperature observed at the local office of the I'nited States weather bureau yesterday was as follows: 6 a. 401 2 p. 53 8 a. 43 4 p.

55 10 a. 46 6 p. 06 12 50 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. The following transfers of realty were made of record Wednesday. May 6.

1908: Margaret Sullivan to Catherine O'Laughlln, n. 16 ft. lot 3, blk. 49, De Moine 1 Catherine O'Laughlln to Margaret Sullivan, n. 16 it.

lot 3, blk. 49, De Moine 1 John O'laughlin to Catharine Taughlin, n. 16 ft. lot 3. blk.

49, De Moine 1 Patrick H. Reilly and wife to J. W. Gillespie, land in 16-78-24 1,200 Lottie A. Ross to Mrs.

Ellen E. Sheridan, lot 42, Sandahl's add 250 Isaac N. Phillips and wife to George Link. sei seU 30-81-22 2,000 lvvis W. Goodell and wife, Maude, to Gottlieb Walter and wife, lots 17-18, blk.

7. Stalford Dixon's add 225 E. A. Witmer and wife to J. L.

Wit-mer, n. 50 ft. lot 24, blk. 4, Layman's 2d add 1 E. N.

Cook and wife to ('. M. Howe, lot is. blk. 16.

Easton Place 400 Margaret W. Thompson to Robert C. Miller, lot 6, blk. 2, Marquardt's 2d add N. D.

1,800 Iowa Loan Trust company to Lo-vina Polen, lots 373-374-375, Boulevard add 120 George Thomas and ife to Gena M. Hansen, land In 31-79-23 750 Thure N. Nelson and wife to Andrew R. Palmer, lot 11, blk. 47, Stewart's add 2,000 Claudia A.

Helm and husband to John W. Childress, lots 17-1S-19, blk. 22. York's Choice 300 Charles H. Kessler to Kate Kessler, 'i lot 11.

blk. 6. Stewart's add 1,000 llvperion Park company to P. E. Taylor, lot 27.

Hyperion park 800 R. Moore and wife to B. J. Cava-nagh, lots 15-16, blk. 2, Elliott's add.

Grant Park 10 Ernest R. Moore and wife to B. J. Cavanagh. lot 16, blk.

2. Elliotts add. Grant Park 1 Charles E. Sandahl. executor, to Addie Dodson, lot 3, James Hall's 2d subdlv BUILDING PERMITS.

B.A? Dunbar. frame addition, 14(5 Thlrtv-seeond street 600 J. L. Wllkins, dwelling. 1S18 Fourteenth street 1.600 Ben Cohen, dwelling.

220 East Twelfth street 1.W0 WANT ADS The rate on Want Ads is One Cent per word, each Insertion. No insertion for less than 10 cents. Ads for one month, Daily and Sunday. a a line. $1.50 a line.) Advertisers who wish to have answers addressed to a letter and number of The Register and Leader office can do so.

Telephone 180 Register and Leader, Want Ad Department. WANT AD AGENCIES. E. Twining. Tentn and Center Sts.

Beck Drug Twelfth and High. W. A. Graham, Sixth and State. Ralph C.

Jones. 25th and University. H. C. Boyd.

1002 West Ninth. E. A. Downing, Ninth and Grand avenue. Swihart Drug Twelfth and Laurel.

A. T. Benge Drug 20th and Forest C. T. Randall.

1401 Forest avenue. D. Reichard, 18th and I'niverslty. E. L.

Twining, Ninth and I niversity. W. B. Shaffer. Sixth nnd School.

E. E. Draper. Nineteenth nnd Crocker. M.

E. Davis Drug 9th and Center. Gnth Pirns: 903 Fremont Pt. HELP WANTED MALE. TWO good magazine solicitors on first class proposition; city and country.

Cosmopolitan Magazine, 2n0 Marquardt Bldg. 395 WANTED boy over 16 boy who wishes to go to school. Capital City Commercial College. 591 WANTED Barber" at once" steady job. $12 week; half over $18.

Lon Seeley, New Hampton, fa. 473 TAILOR WANTED to make coats and do hnsheling. Barnes Dede, Oska-Joosfi, la. 53 POSITIONS for drug men anywhere in U. S.

or Canada. F. V. Kmest. 1 Omaha, Neb.


Parties Have Right To Nominate By Writing in Names of Candidates Not On Opposing Ballots. Attorney General Byers has decided that the primary ballots of all of the parties must tie of the same size, despite the fact that in some counties most of the ballots will lie blank white paper. It is not for the county auditor to decide whe-ther socialists, or prohibitionists, or any other parly man will want to vole for the nomination of persons for office, even If no candidate's name appears on tiie ballot. General Byers said in an opinion directed to Secretary cf Stale Uayward. yesterday, responding to inquiries from Auditor Frank Leedham of Clinton linty and others.

Section 1087 al3 provides that the ballots shall be made up of "separate sheets of paper uniform In color, quality, texture nd size." To fully meet this pro vision of the law my judgment is, that the ballots for all parties should be of the same size, and that in preparing them the auditor should have printed on eacli ballot squares and blank spaces for all offices to be voted for at the pnmary for which no nomination papers or affidavits have been filed. Delegates By Paster. The attorney, general holds that "it is evident from the provisions that it was not Intended by the legislature that candidates for delegates to county conventions and for precinct committeemen should file affidavits as provided in section 1087-alO of the primary law. In fact, this section makes it clear that it is only-candidates for elective offices who are required to file such affidavits. "There is no provision in the primary- law authorizing the auditor to have printed upon the primary ballot the names of candidates for either delegates to county conventions or precinct committeemen; in fact, the law specifically provides that the names of the candidates for such positions must be 'written or pasted with uniform white pasters on the blank lines upon the ballot by the voter while In the booth," May Nominate By Writing.

Where no candidate is proposed by the filing of nomination papers or affidavit with the auditor for some of the offices for which nominations are to be made at the primary, and the ballot is prepared with blank spaces as shown in the form of ballot set out in section 10S7-al4 of the supplement to the code, the attorney i general was asked if the voters affiliated with the party whose ballot is so made up, write in the name of the person of their choice, put a cross in- the square opposite the name so written, and in that manner make He replied. Section 10S7-a6 of the primary act, among other things provides that the Australian ballot system shall be used at the primary' election, and makes certain provisions with reference to the manner in which votes for rersons whose name is written upon the balloi by the voter shall be counted. Section 1119 of chapter 3, title 6, of the code, which by the primary act is made applicable to primary elections, provides among other things that "the voter may also insert In writing in the proper place the name of any person for whom he desires to vote, making a cross opposite thereto." These provisions puts it beyond doubt that the voters at the primary may write in the names of the candidates of their choice, and make nominations In that way. Publishing the Notice. The primary law provides that the county auditors shall publish once a week for two weeks, "under the proper party designation, the title of each office to be filled, the names and addresses of all Iersnns for whom proper nomination papers have been duly filed, both in his own office and in the office of the secretary of state, giving the name and address of each, the date of the primary, the hours during which the polls will be open, and that the primary will be held in the regular polling place in each precinct." The use by the legislature in the section relating to notice of the words "for whom proper nomination papers have been duly filed." has led to some confusion, and is interpreted by some of the county auditors to limit the notice to such candidates only as have filed both nomination paiwrs and a candidate's affidavit.

"I do not think this whs the Intention of the legislature," says the attorney general. "It is Just as important thai the voters be informed as to the candidates for township offices and members of the board of supervisors in counties where they are elected bv districts, as it is that they know who the candidates for the county offices are. The notice to be published by the auditor should therefore include the names and addresses of all persons who have filed proper affidavits as candidates for township offices or members of the board of supervisors In counties divided into supervisor districts." Towns Within Precincts. The attorney general held that "It is the uuty of the auditor in all countries having townships whicli include an Incorporated town 'or part thereof together with territory outside the limits -if such town' to have prepared and furnished to the election hoard a separate ballot to be voted by the electors residing outside the limits of such town, and upon which ballot shall be printed the names of all the. candidates who are entitled to have their names printed on the ballot including those whi have tiled affidavits for nomination as assessor if any such have so hied, if not.

then the ballot should contain the necessary blank space for writing in the name or names of candidates lor assessor, and separate ballot boxes should be provided as required by section 1130." He also holds that "It is the duty of ihe county auditor to make a sample'hal-lot to all candidates for township officers who have on tile in his office an IODINE BATH FCR PASSENGERS Bottle of Drug Explodes on East Sixth and Ninth Street Car. A man carrying a big bottle of iodine boarded an East Sixth and Ninth street car about 8 o'clock last night. At Sixth and Grand avenue Ihe bottle exploded and the stranger got off. leaving behind him a car full of frightened people and mined clothing. Hats, overcoats and dresses were pattered with the contents of the broken bottle.

Nobody in the rear half of the car escaped. Conductor Stiles was in the act of pointing his fare collector at the man with the bottle when the explosion occurred. When It was over his hnnds and a large of 1 is uniform were dark brown. The inside of the car as covered with the drug and on account of the offensive odor it was taken to the ham. The street car company Is looking for the man with the bottle in order to make him settle for the damages.

FEARED TO TELL OF ASSAULT John Christian Thought Police Would Arrest Him, Too. John Christian, a Swedish iceman from Nevada, refused to report an assault to the police, in which he received a badly marred head, because he said they would arrest him, to. for participating In the disturbance. The assault, committed near th" Nelson house on the east side, was unprovoked, but Chrisf'an refused to swear a warrant for his arrest, though tOc, 25c, 50c. PRODUCTS MFG.

CO. FOREIGN NEWS NOTES LIMA. Peru, May 6. The defeat of Du-rand. the revolutionary leader at Cerro de Pasco and his subsequent flight have been confirmed.

This means that the revolutionary movement has collapsed. RABAT. Morocco. May 6 The foreign office announced that Abdel Aziz, the sultan of Morocco, is to leave here for Morocco City on Mav 9. The seaport of Saffl has been reoccupied by Abdel Aziz' troops.

ST. PKTF.RSRURG. May The military preparations now being made by-Russia on the Turkish frontier have attracted the alteniion of the foreign consuls In the Caucasus and several of these representatives have sent in reports regarding the uneasiness of the position and the extension of trouble with Turkey. A consular report for Ratuni received at one of the embassies here, details the arrival by sea of Russian artillery, a great quantity of ammunition and stores of provisions, which are being forwarded to the south. Furthermore, the military authorities 'are getting together large quantities of army supplies.

BANNER IS WON BY IOWANS MAKES LARGEST GAINS IN SONS OF AMERICAN REVOLUTION. It la Brought To Des Moines From National Congress Held at Buffalo. The Iowa society of the Pons of the American Revolution won the banner offered by the Colorado society at the time of the national congress in Denver In 1907, for the state organization which should make the largest gains during the ensuing year. The banner was presented to the Iowa society through E. M.

AVentworth of State Center, the Iowa delegate at large at the national congress which met in Buffalo last week. Mr. Wentworth pledged that the banner would be kept in tile state house or the state historical department and he lias suggested to the Iowa society the propriety of furnishing a handsome, case for it. Will Keep Banner. It will be the intention of the to keep the banner, for it goes annually to lie state organization making the largest gains and members of tile order have no doubt of their ability to continue their record of last year.

At lie Buffalo congress there were present from Iowa, besides Mr. AVeut-worth, as del-gale at large, Willard Pecor of Forest City, the president of the Iowa society last year, and who was reelected the treasurer general of the national organization. Prominent Men Present. More than 200 delegates attended the gathering. There were six rear admirals, two United states senators, twenty officers in the army of lie I'nited States, two governors and many other distinguished men in the congress.

A highly deserved compliment was paid to Capt. E. 1 1. Hadley, the secretarv of tie Iowa society, for the wav in which he kept the record he has devised for the Iowa organization. It was pronounced a model by the congress.

The next national congress will meet at Baltimore in ANOTHER DELAY FCR JAIL Plumbing Inspector May Have to Be Shown. Another delay In opening Polk county's new jail may be caused by the failure'of the plumbing contractors to comply with two of th provisions of the plumbing ordinance Plumbing Inspector Watson yesterday made a lliial test of the work and found that, the ordinance had been violated in iwo respects. After completing the test he notified the Des Moines Plumbing and Heating company that he will not fur-nbh a certificate for the job until the ordinance is fully complied with. In the plumbing ins color's communication which was placed on file yesterday afternoon lie says the contractors have failed to comply with the section of tl ordinance requiring rain water leaders being lapped either inside or outside the "mining. ne also lomut mat they neg-I Ic-ted to have the inspector test tiic soil -mil vent pipes cither by water or the 1 1 1 1 iv mm ii ascciiani wneinei- mey are detecti e.

In order to make the water or smoke test as inquired by (lie ordinance it will be necessary to remove some of ihe plumbing fixtures. This would require sonic time. Unless the hoard of supervisors and vity council agree to accept the work In its present condition, Mr. Watson -ays he will insist on the lest tor detects being made as required inlaw. Mr.

Watson made no report of lln. final ti si made yesterday but it is understood he discovered at least one leak in the pipe. Sixty Afghans Are Killed. LONDON. Mav 6--Sixty Afghans were killed in the fighting which took place between a large Afehan fore." and 'lie British troops lost Saturday In the Kvber near Lahnda Kotal.

according to a dispatch sent by a correspondent with Ihe British column. A message Is published here today from Lahore giving the Afghan dead at 300.1 but communication is discredited. Grants Reprieve To Orchard. CITY, IdalV May 6-Governor Gooding today granned a reprieve of Harrv Orchard, sent.etlred to be hanged Friday of next week, ti July 2. This action was taken to giv 4 the board of pardons time to consider Orchard's case.

FOR RENT. (iood Houses and Stores for rent In all parts of the city. All sizes and prices. Kindly coll at our oftice and we will show you these properties. Trustees Y.

M. Hubbell Kstate Equitable Building; 8-rooin house, modern, 24th and Clark. $-0. 8 rooms, 1332 23d. $17 50.

Com Kelt Land Loan Co. 2d Floor Crocker Bldg 591 NEW 8 room modern boue. acr ss street ft' nt H. P. college, one block from car line; will rent at bargain to right party for the reason I have to leave city on account of wife health.

Mut. phone 7818 B. 671 HOCPES nnd flats all over the city from $10 up. houses; good tenants. MACK OLSHX CO.

15-16-17 News Arcado. Both Phones. X0416 EAST RIDK--House 6 rooms, $11; store room, 20xK0 Grand west side; house 8 roomn and bull. $22 7 room, modern. $25 5 rooms, $10.

c. M. 20? Manhattan Bldg. o'6 11-R modern house. 1110 Grand Ave.

S-R and barn. 644 Des Moines $:0. Others all parts of citv, $10 to C. MINN IS, 3O0 Good Blk. 591 ROOMS for light manufacturing, s.xoo square electric power, elevator serv ice.

Hatton-MeCutchen Agemv. Mb 591 FOR RENT-Houses and flats, $8 to $25 per month; good lorations; enquire. Es tate of Polk. 607 Mulberry St. 0122 SIX room modern cottage, SW corner 20th and Center; and 8 R.

modem house. 1049 7th; Inoulre 1053 7th; Iowa 3191Y2. 0331 FOR RENT-1162 W. pith 7 rooms and" bath; strictly modern. Whalen, 317 School.

Iowa phone 2V59 Y-l. GOOD NEW 7 room house, large lot. near car. only $10 Saurerman, owner. 611 Iowa Iian Trust Bldg 571 LARGE rooming and boarding house.

701 sixth Ave. J. H. t'hl lips. I.

L. T. Rldg. 691 HOUSES for rent, all parts city. Walker, biO l.

Ls. i. Mut. Mol-K. Res.

7248-F. STRICTLY modern 7-room 1515 W. 9th. Terrell Rollins. Clapp Blk.

0425 ROOMING HOUSE, 9 rooms, bath, furnace, fine location. 202 W. 9th St. 510 7-ROOM modern house; walking distance; $25 per month. 1187 W.

9th St. 393 THREE rooms. Vv alnut. H. W.

Hall, E. 594 FLATS FOR RENT. ONE of the Gordon Apartments, S04 Eighth street. 6 rooms, strictly modern. Easy walking distance.

Terrell Kollius, Clapp Blk. 591 Apartment in J. H. Flats caused by unavoidable removal from citv. Mut.

phone 91. M3Oba- Bldg. 0428 FOR RENT apartments, 2 to 4 rooms, southeast corner Sixth and Grand. Phone Mut. 965, or call 417 Citizens Bank Bldg.

525 ONE of the choicest flats In the Avalon, corner 9th and Iyocust. Inquire R. Cosk-ery, 607 I. L. T.

Bldg. Mut. phone VW. 0429 SHENANDOAH FLATS Strictly modern, 6 rooms and bath; close in. Inquire 312 8th or Iowa 1230-M.

514 FOR RENT for the summer modern 6 room flat furnished; Mut phone 7231 K. 597 SIX room flat in Brighton apartments. 945 8th St. 591 NEW 4 ROOM-Bath. 909 Mulberry.

$12.50. 510 STORE ROOMS FOR RENT. Splendid business lorations, suitable for grocery, hardware, etc. One first class restaurant fitted and ready for business. J.

C. Mehan Third Floor 043x FOR RENT Store room in new brick block, with heat. Highland Park Realty-Co. Phones, Mutual 1026; Iowa 17S0-X 013 MY STORE ROOM, 417 West Walnut 22x75 feet, Is for rent. Will remodel and enlarge to suit tenant, n.

H. France 512 OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT. DESIRABLE office rooms. Inquire at tha cftice of the J. X.Tolk Estate 607 Mulberry St.

0325 FOR RENT, or will sublease, five office rooms. Very desirable for attorneys dentists or physicians. Permanent ncation on Walnut St. between 5th and 7th. Ad dress A-2000, rare Register and Leader.

526 DESK ROOM FOR RENT. OFFICE desk and desk room to 312 K. P. 6th and Locust. rent, 593 WANTED TO RENT.

HAVE good tenant for 80 to 160 acre farm, within ten miles of Des Moines, for five years trom next soring. MACK OLSEX CO. 15-16 News Arcade. Both Phones. Member D.

M. Real Estate Exchange. nio WANT to rent; furnished rooms for IlKht housekeeping or furnished home. suitable for three adults, from June 1 to Sept. 1.

Address Register and Leader. 59.3 W. H. JOHNSON wants to rent a new strictly modern 5 or 6 room cottage, west side. Either phone 6S6; 708 Mulberry-St.

493 WANTED- Flat In good Lcatlon by July $25 to $30. Address 471, rare Register and Leader. 577 PASTURE. HORSES. CATTLE.

BROAVN'S AA'OODS. In city limits. Address Doyt Punnort. City. Mutual Phone 76S4-B.

55 JUDGE DEEMER'S BROTHER PASSES AWAY AT SEA AND BODY TAKEN TO SAN FRANCISCO. Was Returning To the United States From the Philippines, Where He Was in Business. Jurlf H. E. Deemer and J.

H. Deemer of lies Moines, revived a rablegtam yesterday stilting that their brother, Iwiiit, had died at pea on the rnciflc and that the remains would be brought tn San Francisco May 13. No details concerning the young man's death were conveyed In the cablegram, which was received at their mother's home in Wymore, and was transmitted to Red Oak and thence by telephone to Judge Deemer, at the state house yesterday morning. L. E.

Deemer was 38 years of age. He was a soldier In the Philippines for three years and after his discharge remained in the islands in business. His return to America was not expected by the brothers here. His death evidently occurred at sea while he was on the way home, but details cannot be learned until the arrival of the ship bearing his remains at San Francisco. Besides leaving his mother and the two brothers mentioned, here, another brother resides at Lincoln, R.

E. Deemer. The father is dead, but a young son, whose mother died when he was a child, also is left to mourn the young man. PAY AS YOU ENTER CARS Shops of City Railway Company are Busy On Several of New Pattern. Several pay-as-yoti-enter cars are near-lug completion in the shops of the Des Moines City Railway company.

The one lone car of that type is Mill making round trips on the University line and patrons of the company in that part of the city are becoming accustomed to pa.ving for their seats before they get them. The old cars are being remodeled into the new ones. The bodies of the cars are not altered. but a large 8-foot square platform Is substituted for the present rear platforms. The curs, when finished, are longer than before and with a new coat of paint and an interior renovating, the cars come forth from the shops as new cars.

The company Intends to add the pay-as-you-enter cars to the service as quickly as they can he fitted out. It is expected that almost all of the cars will have been remodeled by next spring. "1 no longer doubt the superioritv of the pay as you enter car over the 'type used at present and will make every effort to have as many of the new "type as possible running by the tirst of next said Supt. V. G.

Owens. "The public likes the idea, the conductors Pave less work and the company is hotter satisfied. The I rial of one car of the new type has convinced us that the calls a success." FLOOD SCARE AT CITY HALL Water Pipe Leaks, Deluging Treasur-er's Office. A careless plumber caused all kinds of excitement at the citv hall veaienlav City Treasurer Lucas and License Collector Bunion were busily working on their books when a stream of water poured down from above and caused them to look up Willi a start. The deluge didn't stop and the city treasurer dashed out of the room ami across the corridor inio the mayor's office where the council was in session.

"Help, we're drowning in there!" he gasiied. Just as the sound of the falling water reached the ears of the council-men. "Oh. that's all right; we can get a new-city treasurer easy enough," said Mac-Vicar soothingly. "You can get a new ceiling for mv office, too," shouted the excited as he clashed wildly out of I lie loom.

Then Mr. Ash retnenibeted that the plumbers were installing a wash basin in his office up stairs, due them had turned on the water without placing a cap on one of the water pipes. Mr. found the plumber and the leak was stopped In time to prevent the big safe floating out of the treasurer's office. Pee the Sioux City team plav ball today.

WED AS SOON AS THEY LAND Couple Falls in Love During Voyage Across Atlantic. NEW YORK. May ocean courtship, beeun on the steamship Nelie Olnv from Norway, during the voyage iv er. culminated in a marriage upon the pier, immediately upon the steamship arrival tore. Lndwig Swanson and Marie Coim-son met for the first time on board the Heljg Olav.

heoomlng acquainted through Swanson picking up the young ladv's napkin at dinner, th first night out. On the fifth day thov were engaaed. Swan-son has lived in this country several years and after the wedding he to his bride to his home at Passaic. N. J.

ELI I NO Cleans the Blood, Improves Circulation, Overcomes Depression, Helps to quit Stimulants. Makes no drug habit. Get it of your druggist. A.

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